Aromatase excess syndrome

What is Aromatase excess syndrome?

A rare, genetic endocrine disease characterized by increased levels of estrogen due to elevated extraglandular aromatase activity. Males present with heterosexual precocious puberty which manifests with pre- or peripubertal onset of gynecomastia, premature growth spurt, accelerated bone maturation resulting in decreased adult stature, and may present mild hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Female patients may have isosexual precocious puberty or not have any manifestations at all.

Other condition names

  • AEXS
  • Familial hyperestrogenism
  • Hereditary prepubertal gynecomastia

Inheritance type

Autosomal dominant


  • Worldwide: <1 in 1,000 000

Age of Onset

  • Adolescent
  • Childhood
Orphadata: Free access data from Orphanet. © INSERM 1999. Available on "". Data version 1.3.16 / 4.1.7.