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Coping with books

I fill up my cup by reading. I
love science fiction specifically, because it tells us about building the future

  1. Thanks for sharing this coping tool! I also use reading as a way to explore different lives and ways of thinking. As people with rare diseases I think we are more empathetic towards other peoples' experiences due to our own being commonly misunderstood. So when reading we are more invested in the point-of-view of the character. It can be really engaging and helpful for me! Also sci-fi is a great option, I love that you mentioned this. What are some of your favorite sci-fi novels? Right now mine is The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling. Warmly, Tatiana ( Team Member)

    1. I do this too! It's like I can live thousands of lives through books. It's nice when my body isn't functioning sometimes.

      1. Reading is such a great replenishing activity!

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