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Undiagnosed all season cold sensation of body

I'm 59 and I have a condition for over last 10 years that is now immensely impacting quality of my life. I feel cold getting absorbed throughout my body except for face and hands. This feeling persists round the year and naturally gets worse in winter. Even at room temperature I have to wear thermals and socks and any "space" between clothing and body surface makes it worse, so I have to wear thermal layer that sticks to body surface. I have had all kind of investigation done (internist/neurologist/allergist) and nothing comes out of diagnostic testings. Only "assumption" that came out of the allergist diagnosis is I'm "allergic to cold" but even in full blown summer I have to wear somewhat lighter thermals. I'm perfectly fine otherwise, no chronic illnesses like diabetes, blood pressure or cardiovascular issue. I do not take any medicine. If I do not wear thermals, the cold feels like penetrating inside body,and it starts settling in my throat, ending in a sore throat. round the clock wearing of thermals and socks has made my life miserable and my body aches all the time, I get headaches due to pressure of socks (although I wear non-binding thermal socks) This condition has literally "crept" upward on my body over last 10 years starting first with my feet, so for couple of years I only used to wear socks, then leggings and now thermal top as well. The only area spared is my hands, neck, face and head. I'm desperately looking for some diagnostics and treatment. My family doctor has given up and just advises me to live with this condition as this is some kind of allergy. I will greatly appreciate if somebody can suggest some place where I can seek help from?

Thanks for any help in advance!

  1. Thank you Gina, much appreciate you taking time to advise. I'm going to reach out my family physician with the information you have shared, I guess no consideration has been given so far to the brain function. Perhaps I will talk about this with my Dr.

    Thanks again!!

    1. You're very welcome. Let us know how the rest of this diagnosis journey goes for you. Good luck! Gina

  2. , I found similar information to What Gina shared. Do you have low body weight/BMI? Have they checked your thyroid? You can try contacting to see if they have any ideas on possible steps you could take. Hoping you get some relief. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    1. Thanks very much for your thoughts & suggestion, I'm going to try with the mentioned website. Just to let you know my body weight/BMI is good as per height (5'.4"/139 Lbs/BMI 23.9) and the thyroid was tested by specialist.

    2. , I'm glad to hear those factors of your health are good. I'm hoping they can help you solve the puzzle at the link. Please keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

  3. Hi . I hear your frustration, especially after seeing specialists. Have you asked your primary care doctor if there might be any other specialists to refer you to? Here is an article I found that lists possible causes of cold intolerance. Perhaps you can work with your primary off of this list to rule out or in each potential cause.Good luck to you!! Gina Miller, Team Member

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