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No doctor over many years can diagnosis my skin condition. Hospitals and physicians have no idea what it is.
Doesn’t show in blood work.
I have researched for many years trying to fit the symptoms with a cause.
This is what’s in my skin, actually came out of my ear, but is spread all over my bodyLooks like a worm

  1. that is wild! It's fascinating and disturbing what the body can do. I hope you find answers or at least effective treatment for whatever is happening with your skin.

    1. It’s incredibly frustrating when you can’t get answers.
      Have you considered seeing a specialist in rare skin conditions or dermatology at a major research hospital?

      1. , it is frustrating, and I agree. When I needed answers for my children, I found them at the OT department of the local university. The head of the department and her master's students evaluated and diagnosed the boys. Sometimes, you have to go out of the box - you shouldn't have to, but sadly, you do. - Warmly, Donna (Team member)

    2. , that's distressing! Is it uncomfortable? Have you seen dermatologists? - Warmly, Donna

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