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unexplained throat and neck pain for 7 weeks now.

hi guys. was hoping anybody could help me out. about 7 weeks ago after an upper respiratory infection, i started to have throat pain. it wasnt like a sore throat. it literally felt like there was a tumor in my throat. i have gotten a ct scan of my neck and also a soft tissue neck mri and both have come back clean. i have a very small thyroglossal duct cyst in my throat. none of the drs can seem to tell me why i have this pain. the pain is very localized to the front right side of my throat. every day the pain is like a 3 to 4 and then it flares up once or twice a day and gets unbearable. laying down seems to be the only thing that helps. thats why i was hoping its musculo skeletal but my spine dr says he doesnt think so. he also doesnt think its nerve pain. i have had no accidents with my neck recently. i had a whiplash accident back in oct 2023 but i healed up in 6 weeks and had no other symptoms. muscle relaxants, pain killers and even steroid doses do not seem to help at all. i am at my wits end and always in pain. is there anyone that possibly knows whats going on with me. thank you from the bottom of my heart for any assistance at all. this is the area where the pain hurts the most

  1. gosh that sounds absolutely terrible and I’m so sorry you’re going through that! Having unexplained pain is so upsetting mentally and physically! I’m curious if you’ve also undergone an ultrasound and an endoscopy of your throat and if you’re being seen by an otolaryngologist (ENT)? I hope you find answers and an effective treatment plan soon with your doctor.

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