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Symptoms of Eye Vision Damage?

Eye vision damage can present with a variety of symptoms, depending on the underlying cause and severity. Common signs include blurred or distorted vision, which may make it difficult to see fine details or read text. People might also experience difficulty seeing at night or in low-light conditions, increased sensitivity to glare, or sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes. Additionally, symptoms like double vision, frequent headaches, and seeing spots or flashes of light can indicate potential vision problems.

Other symptoms may include a gradual decline in vision, where objects appear less sharp over time, or difficulty focusing on objects at various distances. Some individuals might notice changes in their peripheral vision, leading to a reduced field of view. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to consult an eye care professional promptly to diagnose and address the underlying issue, as early intervention can help prevent further vision loss and improve overall eye health.

  1. If you're noticing blurred vision, difficulty seeing at night, increased glare sensitivity, double vision or headaches, it's important to see an eye care professional right away.

    1. Hi, Thank you for mentioning symptoms that would indicate a need to see an eye doctor.
      Have you had any of these symptoms along your own healthcare journey?

      Gina Miller
      Team Member

  2. It’s crucial for patients on Ethambutol to have regular eye exams to monitor for optic nerve damage and color vision changes. Unfortunately, not all doctors inform patients of this need, so it's important to advocate for your own health.

    1. , Thank you for sharing with us here about the many symptoms of possible eye disorders. I would like to add that patients should also be made aware of possible eye damage from various medications used to treat certain rare diseases. In my case, I needed to take MAC Lung Disease meds for 17 months, one of which (Ethambutol) required that I get regular assessments by an opthamologist to be certain that my optic nerve wasn't being damaged. It also required a monthly check of my color vision. It was sad to see in some of the patient forums online that not everyone's [pulmonary or infectious disease doctors informed them of the need for regular testing when taking this med.

      Gina (Team Member)

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