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Undiagnosed with neurological symptoms and multiple misdiagnoses

Hi folks!

I'm currently seeing a neurologist, who is giving me multiple tests to see what rare disease I may have.

About a year ago, I started randomly slurring my speech for about 5 minutes at a time. I went to my GP at the time, who told me it was stress related and to try to relax. So, I did attempt to de-stress.

Then, one day, my left leg hurt so much I could not get out of bed. I somehow forced myself to go to Urgent Care. Once there, I was told nothing was wrong with me and given a cane to help me walk.

These two symptoms kept getting progressively worse and would come and go.

In January 2024, I was sent to the ER because one of my legs was dragging behind me and my speech was slurred. I was treated as a stroke patient. The doctors there ran tests (MRI, EEG, etc.), but found nothing. I was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder (FND), given a walker and went home. I had to use a walker because I now had loss of balance whenever I tried to walk.

More symptoms are coming: Sometimes, I have back pain. Sometimes, I have muscle spasms, muscle pain in a particular limb, and muscle weakness. This comes along with slurred speech.

My GP has told me that I have Bell's Palsy, but that doesn't explain why I suddenly stopped being able to walk one day. It's been 7 months since I started using a walker. I've been referred to a neurologist, who has sent me to get an MRI, EMG, and NCV test.

I still have to do daily chores, even though my muscles feel weak and I get easily tired now. I take frequent breaks and naps to rest. I have fallen twice already despite using a walker.

Prior to January, I was attending university full-time and working part-time. I could cook, clean, walk, run and swim without any issues. I eat healthy meals and drink a lot of water since I have diabetes type 2. Thus, I was already seeing a dietician for my diet.

I've already been diagnosed with one rare disease, Alport's Syndrome. So, I wouldn't be surprised if I got diagnosed with another rare disease. Any ideas what this could be? Thank you.

  1. Hi Gina,

    No, the doctors were not thinking that my new symptoms were due to Alport's syndrome. I think that they thought it was something psychiatric in nature, like FND/Conversion disorder.

    So far, I'm going to get the next three tests done and see what the results showcase. During my last visit to the ER, an MRI revealed that I have three bulging discs in my lower spine. This is definitely not just in my head!

    I'm glad that my neurologist is taking me serious now. Hopefully, something will come up in the results and I'll be able to find a diagnosis for this.

    Thank you!

    1. You're welcome!
      Hope those additional tests will bring you much needed clarity, and possible new treatment options.
      Gina (Team Member)

    2. You're welcome!
      Hope those additional tests will bring you much needed clarity, and possible new treatment options.
      Gina (Team Member)

  2. Hi, again, . I just replied to your intro comment.
    I don't have any ideas as to what might be causing these symptoms, but I do wonder why a neuro doc or ortho doc didn't do MRis, EMG etc already... because I am going through spinal issues that needed the MRIs first. Can't imagine how it feels to be given a cane and then a walker and being told that here is nothing wrong... did your doc think the symptoms were possibly due to Alport's syndrome?

    Hope others here might be able to add more light.
    Gina (Team Member)

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