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Doctors can not figure out wife's medical issue

After over a year of testing they still can not figure out what is wrong. My wife had had roughly 8 cat scans, erg, colonoscopy, gastric emptying, mri, biopsys and a few other tests. To this day they still can not determine what's wrong. All test come back she is healthy.

When she eats or goes poop her stomach get very upset and starts to hurt and puts her in the corner of the couch in massive pain. Her blood pressure spikes to 220/115 at times. She take a lot of medicines they have prescribed to try to help including tramadol for the pain. Nothing she takes helps. Its not every time but its at lest 2-3 times a week. Sometimes it lasts a day other times it can last 3-4 days. During this she can not eat or drink. She gets very nauseous and has to throw up to relieve some of the nausea and pain.

She has had multiple surgeries on her colon and bowel in the past. She had 3 or 4 small hernias in her abdomen that are gonna be fixed with a full mesh. She has no pancreas.

We had kept track of what she eats to see if it is a food or drink thing and nothing stands out. It happens more when she poops then eats.

I figured I would reach out here to see if anyone has delt with this themself.

We are at our wits end with this as she has no life because these issues can pop up any time for no reason.

  1. She has been to her primary doctor, GI doctor, dietary doctor and a couple general surgeons.

    1. Hi , that's quite a list, and I'm sure you and your wife are fatigued and frustrated. The one thing that struck me when I saw the list is that she hasn't been checked by a neurologist. There are a handful of neurological conditions that can produce similar symptoms to what you have shared. These articles might be interesting to you:

      Sending love and light and hopes for an answer and some relief. Please stay in touch and let us know how she is doing. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

  2. Hi, Jason. Thank you for sharing the details of what your dear wife has been going through. I hope that someone in the forum here will be able to recognize something in the information that might lead to help in getting her diagnosed and properly treated. I'm curious as to what specialists she has already been evaluated by? Gina Miller, Team Member

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